Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Bringing one

Good morning Friends,
I have had several people tell me lately they love my writing because it is so real.
Well let me tell you about the writing I do.
It is straight from my heart, God inspired. You see I write during my coffee time in the morning, and if you know me there is no brain activity before coffee. It is also written in the midst of chaos. I sit in my favorite spot "MY CHAIR" (said with heavenly music playing and sparkles all over). My hair sticking up and my middle child talking incessantly or cleaning around me, or the people who work in our house doing their job with her. Not quiet and peaceful at all. That is how I know it is by God, because in my crazy wonky world only He can talk through the noise and have it be readable for you. I write my words to touch one person. Let me explain. If my words touch just one, and it shows them the awesomeness that is God, I have done what I was called to do. I do not write for the masses. It may not be someone in my lifetime even, maybe a great descendant of mine who is looking for answers. I heard a story once about an evangelist who was having a tent meeting. One night no one came. The tent had him and the pianist and one older person and 3 little boys. (I think, those details are sketchy but unimportant) The fact was that this huge tent only had a few and instead of saying "you know lets cancel since no one came", He preached as though the tent was packed, He gave the sermon he had for many to a few. He listened to Gods heart and showed it to those there. He even did an alter call. Well that night a little boy came forward and got saved. His name was Billy Graham. So can you imagine what the world would be today if that traveling preacher had said "Not enough people here to preach too" and left? Millions of lives have been saved and brought to God because that one unnamed man listened to God and said even if I touch one life it is worth it all. My mom lived by that same thought too, although she touched many, she said if just one comes to God, her life was worth living. You see it isn't about the car or house, the degrees or balance in your accounts. It is all about touching one. Being Jesus with skin on to one. One life changed, one soul saved, Heaven to one. If we all lived our lives to save one it would be no time and the world would all be saved. That one could be who God will use to bring tens of thousands to Him. One word or gesture of love to someone may mean the difference in Heaven of Hell to someone. So lets open our hearts and lives to being about the business of "Bringing One". 
Be blessed today

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