Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Get in, sit down, shut up & hang on.

Good Morning friends,

This morning I had to deal with the time honored phrase, "But none of the other kids do it"
and I failed. I would like to say I stuck to my guns and made him do the right thing, but that would cause a bigger mess, a breakdown , then a tardy. Maybe I just chose this battle, not to fight, but I also told him to look and see how many kids did actually wear their helmets when they ride bike.
I never wore one and I never got hurt, hahaha ok so I did and a helmet is important.
Safeguards are important, Like armor? Ephesians 6:10
But we all know all about that. What I was thinking was about our 
outward appearance and what others think.
I would like to say I don't care what others think of me, but I would be wrong.
I love designer bags, and why is that? I guess so others will look and say "wow nice bag, who is the designer?" Shallow? probably but, is it going to stop me? No.
I know that how we portray ourselves to others is how Jesus is seen.
I had someone on Facebook the other day get mad at Christians cause they did or said something that person didn't like. I felt so bad. We should never put ourselves so high that when we fail it hurts our faith. But also we should never think to little cause then we can't have the confidence in Christ we need to love others.
God knows how shallow and stupid we are sometimes. How some of us (ME, ME,ME) open our mouths and verbally vomit all over. If I had a nickle...
This episode in my life I am working very mindfully to what comes out of my mouth.
One of the biggest rules in our house is "BE KIND".
We enforce it with the kids yet often forget to model it for them.
Coffee grounds don't taste so good.
So the filter is what makes coffee good.
So much of that can be said about the decisions we make.
My child has zero filters, no inhibitions, and talks to EVERYONE.
Every day several times a day we have to say, "When you go outside, don't talk to people"
She needs constant reminders to follow the rules and use filters.
HeLlO so do I. OUCH. So much I allow myself to be wishywashy to please someone else, when I should be firm in my convictions and worry most about pleasing God.
Strong, Firm, Mindful.
When I get nervous I talk. Very rarely does that every go well.
Or if I am tired, from this stupid disease, I just do things or say things just to be done with something.
Most times, OK eveytime it is wrong. 
Change is hard for me. Relearning how to live with a debilitating disease there is no cure for, knowing I will forever feel like this. Learning my limits. (ouch) Putting myself and my family first. NOT helping everyone, because if I do I won't have energy for the things I have to do.  But I also now have so much more time to spend learning what God wants to change in me. So many times I had good intentions to spend more time with those types of changes.If you know me you will know I rarely sit and take that time. Well now thanks to my disease I have that time. Not that God made me sick to make me sit down and shut up, but wow has it made me do just that. I have had to learn to be more deliberate with all I do. Choosing only what matters most, so I have energy. SLOWING DOWN. Yeah still working on that daily. But hopefully I will get it soon. Learning to say "NO" has been a big one for me. I have had to quit jobs, boards, activities I never thought I would, and yet here I am living that way and having the time God needs to help me make those changes. Funny how coincidental that seems. Hmmm
What is it you need to be more deliberate about?
What are changes you need to make to have the time God needs from you?
Do you need to have filters?
And how are we protecting ourselves?

Have a blessed day.


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