Friday, May 9, 2014

An empty for the birds.

Good Morning friends,

I have been thinking this morning in lieu of Mother's Day coming up,
of all things being a mother.

My being a mother is Not typical,
I have 3 beautiful children.
The first was a Gift, she was not an "accident" but she wasn't planned, but her life has blessed me beyond measure. She is an amazing woman, who has needed very little therapy to get over me being her parent. I count that as a win.
She married an amazing young man and is making a life preparing to someday be a mom herself.
I try not to nag her about it but, as much as I loved being a mom, I can't wait to be a grandma.
My middle child, she is 8 years younger and 8 years older then her siblings. We got custody of her at age 10 and she is now nearly 16.
As many of you know she has a rare genetic disorder. Parenting her is a group effort. She requires constant supervision, and some days it is hard to handle all the problems. God gave her to us for a reason, and although some days I wanna throw in the towel, the verse that says what ever you do for the least of these. streams through my head. She is my Diamond.   She started out dark and has gone through more in her short life then most people could endure. She is happy, loving and forgiving. She has taught me so many things about life. 
My baby, we received at birth, I got to see him be born, cut the cord and hold this tiny miracle. He is my Heart. Not born of my body but of my heart. I often wonder why at nearly 40 I received this blessing, and I really believe God has a sense of humor. Let's take an almost empty nester, crazy Irish hillbilly woman and give her a hot blooded Latin boy. Now that is funny. He stole my heart as he does with most people.
Big brown eyes and a gentle spirit, also an unquenchable amount of energy, And a very strong will.
He will do amazing things in his life, and I am so glad God let me be a part of it.

You see when I was young I always wanted 12 kids, boys actually. God gave me one girl.
I only ever had one pregnancy, no miscarriages nothing. We tried everything, to no avail.
The one thing I learned is to be patient and God would give me the desires of my heart.
I had to wait 17 years for my second child then almost 2 more for the middle one. 
Although it isn't always easy, and my hillbilly comes out way to much. I believe God has a reason, a plan and a purpose for this journey I call Motherhood.
I have learned that it doesn't matter how your children are "born" to you.
What matters is the call God puts before you, not easy but, wonderful.
This Gift
This Diamond
This Heart
 all 3 special, and needy, and amazing.
This is the purpose for my life.
I may never be an empty nester, but why would I want to be when I can live my life in such 
abundance with the knowledge that God is in control and in HIS time all the desires of your heart
can be given to you. And you never know I may someday get up to 12, that remains to be seen. (wink)

Have a blessed day
A wonderful Mother's Day


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