Good morning friends,
I was sad the other day when I heard Maya Angelou died.
She was really an inspiration to me.
I watched an interview once with her and Oprah, and it was life changing for me.
She was so deliberate and easy with her words.
She talked about adversity and her mother and grandmother.
Being raised in poverty and overcoming all that.
Her faith was forefront in all she talked about.
And like she says above I really don't remember the content but how it made me feel.
Life is like that so much. Fleeting glances of peoples lives, glimpses as they float in and out again.
I have had connections with people I have never actually spoken too. I have felt pain of others I have never met. How is that? I believe the Holy Spirit opens those doors. That God uses those moments to His glory.
My goal in life and on this journey is very simple.
Let others see Jesus in you,
Today Jesus in my house in an uncaffinated, pj wearing, crazy hair flying, person.
I don't have the energy to run out and evangelize. I doubt I could shower today.
But I can be used right here in my chair.
I once heard an interview by Chuck Colson, with and elderly woman in a nursing home.
She thought her life was over, there was nothing more God could use her to do. So she prayed God would take her home to heaven.
God said "No, I have much more to do".
She decided to start writing letters to prisoners. Sitting in her tiny room, not being able to physically go out, she won like 1,500 people to Christ. She never met any of them. But SHE made a difference for the Kingdom. When God asks us to move we should never ask how? or why? but, how far?
We need to live and minister where God sets us. I always wanted to be a foreign missionary. I wanted to go to Africa and Asia and win souls for God. That is Not what God had in mind for me.
I taught and spoke into students lives, I moved to Appalachia and spoke into peoples lives there. I adopted children. I have a constant string of people in my home. And I get to share with you.
That is MY mission field. If I never leave this country, or travel to huts in Africa, or become the next Joyce Meyer. I am right now in my mission. Being content to minister from "My Chair". Because if my life mattered to bring only one person to God it was all worth it.
Sometimes it isn't a big production, but just a hug. A soft word or a whispered prayer.
Being used by the Father.
Right here, right now.
The circumstances don't need to be perfect before you go.
Just open up your heart and life to the moving or the Holy Spirit, and
You will be used.
Be blessed today.