Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Feeling Defeated?

Luke 6:35-36

The Message (MSG)
35-36 “I tell you, love your enemies. Help and give without expecting a return. You’ll never—I promise—regret it. Live out this God-created identity the way our Father lives toward us, generously and graciously, even when we’re at our worst. Our Father is kind; you be kind.

Good morning friends,

Do you ever feel defeated? Like you have to fight the same fights, and nothing gets fixed?
Just the same fight or discussion, where no one shows respect, but the words you throw out are as vial as poison. You feel hurt so Oh, boy your gonna shove that hurt right back at them. Jab them where it hurts.
Why do we do this? Take every word as an offense? Then get all defensive?
No relationship is perfect. Oh they may look like it on the outside, but none are perfect.
Except our relationship with God.
He knows our heart, our pain, our frustration.
He knows our flaws and sin. But yet He never uses it against us.
He knows our potential and our dreams.
He will never leave or forsake us.
So if we are to model our lives like Christ, how is it we are so mean and vindictive? 
Sometimes my mouth opens and just verbal vomit comes out, and I can't take it back. I like to think I would never hurt anyone, but I know I do. I want to be accepted and cherished.
However I do not accept and cherish. I want respect but do I give it?
Truthfully rarely, I an sure.
The Bible says Husbands love your wife like the church.
Children respect your parents.
Love one another.
But if the church needs paint and new pews, and we are angry cause they are disobedient, and the other person says hurtful things. It really wears you down. 
Those words meant as constructive criticism are still criticism, and they hurt when said or shouted in anger.
Words said with love, calmly, well thought out, patient, those words can penetrate and cause change.
If we have defenses up and a wall of pain and hurt. those things said to us will just be absorbed and add to the pain. 
It never makes things better when things are said in anger.
That is when division comes and divorces happen, Hope is lost.
SOOOO how do we not get to that point? How do we find hope?
My hope comes from the Lord, maker of Heaven and earth.
So why do we think so small? or lose hope so easily?
Or fight for the unnecessary?
Yesterday I hurt and was hurt, BUT today I will apologize and show grace and love.
Not just in words, but also in deed. Serving and cherishing, without applause.
Loving without justification, enduring together and overcoming obstacles. 
It starts with humility, which I know will be hard for you to believe I have very little of.
And Prayer.
So today I start by leaving that part of me behind that isn't receptive to the truth, and shutting my mouth and opening my ears. 
One of my constant prayers is from a sign I saw a long time ago.
"Lord put your arm around my shoulder,
and your hand over my mouth."
Have a blessed day.


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