Friday, January 24, 2014

Time to be happy....

Philippians 4:10-14
Content Whatever the Circumstances ] I’m glad in God, far happier than you would ever guess—happy that you’re again showing such strong concern for me. Not that you ever quit praying and thinking about me. You just had no chance to show it. Actually, I don’t have a sense of needing anything personally. I’ve learned by now to be quite content whatever my circumstances. I’m just as happy with little as with much, with much as with little. I’ve found the recipe for being happy whether full or hungry, hands full or hands empty. Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am. I don’t mean that your help didn’t mean a lot to me—it did. It was a beautiful thing that you came alongside me in my troubles.
 Good morning friends.
My cousin posted this yesterday, and the simplicity and ease of it smacked me in the face.
"i think it is time to be happy again"
I am so tired of being angry and hurt.
I grow weary of grouchiness and discontent.
I long for joy and peace.
Even though it looks like a daunting task to go from one side to the other, pain to joy.
I think when we look at our lives and want so desperately for that change to happen, it is like were standing looking out over a vast sea no end in sight. When in actuality we have a small puddle in front of us. It is not an impossible thing to do, it is more of a nuisance, just a small jump. 
And we don't need to be invited to cross, but must just take a step over. 
This morning I woke up singing.
I am sure that doesn't say much to you, but it is HUGE. I used to sing and dance and be silly and play all the time, but for the past few years that completely stopped. 
I yelled and made rude comments, and growled and was not a very nice person.
THAT person I did NOT like, but it looked like that sea, to vast to cross, and exhausting to even think of overcoming it.
When all I really had to do was take a step of change to overcome it.
And if you know me I turned around and started a water mud fight with the contents of that puddle. Hahahaha
Life is to short, to precious of a gift to be this angry and overwhelmed this long.
It is time to play, be silly and happy.
Women set the tone of a home.
We are the ones who make a house into not just a dwelling but into a haven of rest.
When we are out of sorts the whole place is.
I want to be that warm candle light, and the warm soft blanket, that steaming cup of coffee, people feel
they can just come in, and find peace and rest.
Don't get me wrong, chaos abounds here, noise and playing.
I love those sounds of laughing and playing.
So now I will encourage more of that and less yelling and fighting.
Because no matter who influences my children to act bad, it is me ultimately (and Dave) 
who is responsible for how they act. Life being run with joy is so much easier then anger.
It makes me so sad my son doesn't remember me as fun, just this grouchy mess that was in my spot.
So today I take it back.
I am choosing to be joyful!
To sing, not yell.
To nurture, not scold.
Or at least fake it until it is that way all the time.

Be blessed today, and if you have any puddles to jump over,
 remember it is OK to get dirty a little to have fun.


Thursday, January 23, 2014

I yam, who I yam. Aarkaarkarrk

Good morning friends,
Matthew 6:7-13
“The world is full of so-called prayer warriors who are prayer-ignorant. They’re full of formulas and programs and advice, peddling techniques for getting what you want from God. Don’t fall for that nonsense. This is your Father you are dealing with, and he knows better than you what you need. With a God like this loving you, you can pray very simply. Like this: Our Father in heaven, Reveal who you are. Set the world right; Do what’s best— as above, so below. Keep us alive with three square meals. Keep us forgiven with you and forgiving others. Keep us safe from ourselves and the Devil. You’re in charge! You can do anything you want! You’re ablaze in beauty! Yes. Yes. Yes.

I love the part of this that says He knows better than you what you need . It is funny how we as children of God think life has to be so complicated, that we have to be something were not, to be accepted. When in reality all we have to do is love God and the rest is taken care of.
So "finding" ones self is so unimportant in the grand scheme of things.
The only discovery we need to to really make is: Who am I in Christ? What are the gifts God gave me to further His kingdom? and How does He want me to use those gifts for His glory?
Does anything else matter? really? 
All the books written about how we should live a good christian life, when it is so simple.
I Am a child of God all else is extra. 
God doesn't see degrees on walls, but what is in your heart.
I have many gifts God gave me. I am creative, which is good and bad. because when you are creative people see that often before they see spiritual gifts. So many times I am not using other gifts I could, cause art is so obvious. I am a prayer. I pray constantly but that is a quiet gift. I have many gifts I don't or am scared to use for many reasons. 
My weaknesses are my strengths often. My mouth just opens and things come out. I talk more than I should, but I am also not afraid to talk to anyone, so there God uses me for His glory.
My home is rarely clean and organized, but people feel comfortable and safe here. So a showplace I may never have, but a haven I do have and to many hurting people that is more important.
I love to laugh, I guess I am funny, for most of the past year I have cried and been angry, but I know when my joy completely returns and life comes back to me, from this dark time, God will use that for His glory also. As will He use the pain and hurt and loss.
I have learned to love unconditionally and to take advantage of every moment with people we love. 
Oh I get angry, and hurt still by those who "love" me. But I have to let God use that also.
My genes are Irish-Hillbilly, and if you know anything of either it doesn't take much to rile me up, but I also love with all my heart, and will defend anyone.
When I was little and my parents first started living a Godly life, The first Christian shirt I got was,
 God don't make junk. 
He doesn't, we often choose to become that, but no matter the circumstances, it is us, who must despite our flaws and junkieness, run after Him. 
We don't need fancy words and formulas, just a desire to please Him.
So today, take the junk and flaws and bring them to Him.
Run, Run, Run.
I know who I am in Christ and that is enough for me.

Be blessed today,

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Who art thou?

Good Morning friends,
Today I woke up thinking about who I am.
I think of the bright eyes, clear skinned, curvy body girl I was at 18, and I think we often feel like that is the person we need to be forever.
You hear people say, "I wish I was the weight I was in high school." or "Wow, you were so pretty" when looking at a picture of your younger self.
"I wish I could go back to high school" I never understood that one. 
Yes, I wouldn't mind the energy I had at that age, but would I really want to be that stupid?
I mean were we ever able to make a right decision? I have no idea how. I made a ton that year. I chose a college, a career, graduated, chose a husband, planned a wedding, started a family, chose not to go to college, got very sick, and life went on from there.
When my daughter was 18, she wasn't even wearing matching socks, much less deciding a life plan.
So we know we can never go back and be that person, but we have to know that decisions that young stupid girl made are ones that this 43 year old has to handle. You cannot go back, nor would I want to ever. But I do miss those curves, great hair, clear skin. 
I often think  I had no idea what I was doing or deciding it had to be ALL God, cause if any of it was me I would have messed it up royally. This guy who looked good in his Gibeau Jeans and converse, in reality was a Star trek watching nerd who I love so much. I also have to live with those decisions. Sometimes it is not so easy, but thank God for grace. Now I need to figure out just who this person is. If anything in this past year has taught me, I am NOT that girl anymore. So that leads me to ask "Who am I?"
Now that is journey I now know I need to go on, so where to start? first step.
My name Suszi. it is a creation of my own design. I hated my name Sue Ryan, so plain and boring. So I created this one. I love it, it is who I am. Unique. 
And today that is all I can deal with hehehe.
Tomorrow, is another day, my puny brain can only do so much.
So have a blessed day and stay warm.
school is out early so Yipee snow day


Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Feeling Defeated?

Luke 6:35-36

The Message (MSG)
35-36 “I tell you, love your enemies. Help and give without expecting a return. You’ll never—I promise—regret it. Live out this God-created identity the way our Father lives toward us, generously and graciously, even when we’re at our worst. Our Father is kind; you be kind.

Good morning friends,

Do you ever feel defeated? Like you have to fight the same fights, and nothing gets fixed?
Just the same fight or discussion, where no one shows respect, but the words you throw out are as vial as poison. You feel hurt so Oh, boy your gonna shove that hurt right back at them. Jab them where it hurts.
Why do we do this? Take every word as an offense? Then get all defensive?
No relationship is perfect. Oh they may look like it on the outside, but none are perfect.
Except our relationship with God.
He knows our heart, our pain, our frustration.
He knows our flaws and sin. But yet He never uses it against us.
He knows our potential and our dreams.
He will never leave or forsake us.
So if we are to model our lives like Christ, how is it we are so mean and vindictive? 
Sometimes my mouth opens and just verbal vomit comes out, and I can't take it back. I like to think I would never hurt anyone, but I know I do. I want to be accepted and cherished.
However I do not accept and cherish. I want respect but do I give it?
Truthfully rarely, I an sure.
The Bible says Husbands love your wife like the church.
Children respect your parents.
Love one another.
But if the church needs paint and new pews, and we are angry cause they are disobedient, and the other person says hurtful things. It really wears you down. 
Those words meant as constructive criticism are still criticism, and they hurt when said or shouted in anger.
Words said with love, calmly, well thought out, patient, those words can penetrate and cause change.
If we have defenses up and a wall of pain and hurt. those things said to us will just be absorbed and add to the pain. 
It never makes things better when things are said in anger.
That is when division comes and divorces happen, Hope is lost.
SOOOO how do we not get to that point? How do we find hope?
My hope comes from the Lord, maker of Heaven and earth.
So why do we think so small? or lose hope so easily?
Or fight for the unnecessary?
Yesterday I hurt and was hurt, BUT today I will apologize and show grace and love.
Not just in words, but also in deed. Serving and cherishing, without applause.
Loving without justification, enduring together and overcoming obstacles. 
It starts with humility, which I know will be hard for you to believe I have very little of.
And Prayer.
So today I start by leaving that part of me behind that isn't receptive to the truth, and shutting my mouth and opening my ears. 
One of my constant prayers is from a sign I saw a long time ago.
"Lord put your arm around my shoulder,
and your hand over my mouth."
Have a blessed day.


Monday, January 20, 2014

"I got this" -God

Nothing great is ever overcome, without great endurance.

Good morning Friends,
I missed you all so much.
After a bout of flu and my hubby's surgery, I feel like life can move forward again.
This last year has been so hard,needless to say.
But I have been thinking.
I know, I know Scarey.
Today on KJLY or local Christian Station I heard a pastor speaking, I didn't pay to much attention until I heard this last phrase. He quoted it, but sorry I cannot remember who said it.

Nothing great is ever overcome, 
without great endurance.

So many times I have thought "Ok God, no more I cannot handle one more thing"
and there it would come. Most times not one thing but a pile of things. Now I look back,to the day of my daughters diagnosis. That day started this period in my journey, I call sparkless.
That very moment my fire started to wane. Kinda like a fire with no oxygen, it will burn more slowly, until it goes out, it can't breath and is snuffed out.
When Moses brought the Isrealites into the desert, they thought this was a short trip to freedom and life. Not many actual original followers of Moses actually made it to the Promise Land.
Their whole story is about their journey. A very hard and long, exhausting journey.
Not that my issues can compare, but God allows us to learn and grow from the journey.If we were given the Promise Land right out of the gate and not having to go through the trials, we wouldn't appreciate the things God blesses us with. Often times the struggle is what makes the prize all the more precious. 
I know God has a plan, for me and our family.  It is so hard to see the end or plan the end of this journey, but I do know if I trust God to help us through it, He knows better then us what that reward will be and when. 
When I do things in my own power, I get exhausted, not that I am afraid of hard work, but I am doing all the work and under my own strength, I stumble. Under His strength, there is no tiredness or failure. 
Just peace and joy. 
So why is it we continue to struggle? To fight? To fall?
How is such an easy thing, so hard to let go of?
We should never say, I got this under control. Because do we really? Ever?
We just mearly think we can control the situation. 
Can we control, or are we just taking the scenic route ? We may end up where God wants us but the blessings that come with the end of the journey are very much delayed or unappreciated. 
I would think something like "I worked so hard to get to this point, and that is all I get?
When if we had done it Gods way, the easier way, the reward would be overwhelming to us.
I saw a sign one of those black ones that are quotes from God, it said "I got this" -God.
How many times a day do we need to hear that? I do constantly. 
Pray you can let go of things, and let God lead and guide.
Have a blessed day.
