Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Stages of life and faith...

Good morning friends,
It feels like so long since I've written.
Happy Labor day belated.
We had a nice long, family fun filled weekend, and I hope you did too.
Today I am sad cause summer is over and school starts soon.
But not yet, so I am going to hang on the next 2 days of the last moments of summer.
Anyway this weekend was filled with many parties.
My mom turned 72 Friday, and I spent the day painting a picture for  her, then we went and had supper at their house and it was so nice, just like nothing had happened. Just a great visit. Thank you God you can heal wounds and restore lives. Not that it is all perfect by any stretch but, better just the same.
Sunday was super busy. Had an amazing church service. Then we went to the cities to celebrate our Nana's 86th birthday. That is the point I want to talk about. I have told you about our Nana before, but this day was special. It showed me the value of life at any age. We had one cousin there who was due to have her baby that day, to toddlers, teenagers, young adults grand parents and great grandparents. It was amazing to see the life and the stages of life so clearly. And how we all need family. It was a special day, and I love them so dearly. and although there was sadness at the thought of not many more birthdays with one person, there was such hope and anticipation of a life just starting.
Sunday night we also got to spend wonderful time with friends, who are just babies in the Christian faith, but we had a great time of fellowship and discussion, about the things of God. I have been saved for about 33 years. It is so amazing how faith and learning about the things of God are ever changing just like life. We think we got this life figured out and pow it changes. It is the same with the Christian walk. God is ever changing and our walk with Him, whether it is day one or year 60 is a new experience. A new joy every morning. Not that it is all great and happy, trials and things come, but if we remember and accept the joy of the Lord, HE will make things bearable. More than bearable, wondrous even. His joy is complete.
His blessings and His love are more then sufficient at whatever stage in life you are at.
Where ever you are with your walk, ask God what your next step is..
Be blessed today.


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