Thursday, September 12, 2013

Change is not failure...

Good morning friends,
It is only 8:30 am and I am ready for a do over.
I couldn't sleep last night and my son was very crabby today.
Maybe another cup of coffee and a nap will help?

I was thinking last night about 9/11 and how chaos ran rampant, in the weeks to follow.
I thought about all the letters. 
There were message boards everywhere, with letters to family members to connect with home. Friends looking for friends. The desperation and stress and not knowing that everyone felt.
How is it in such a connected world, where you can call anyone anytime can't we find people?
At what point did people give up waiting to hear?
Do you ever feel that desperation? Like you try so hard to get ahead and all you do is feel like you went back two steps? 
My grandmother had a plaque I now have and it says "The hurrier I go the behinder I get"
And it certain rings true so much of the time.
Or you are fighting a battle, maybe just for your sanity, or depression, or the will to leave or make a change you know must be made. 
It isn't a failure to change.
Did you hear that?
It just means at the end of the day if it didn't happen, or nothing actually changed,
that tomorrow is a new day.
Now I have totally lost my train of thought, I just got a call that a dear friend and pastor just died at a very young age, We have been friends for about 20 years and this is a hard blow.
So today I will spend in her honor.

Be blessed today

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