Monday, May 13, 2013

Pre trip planning and steps of faith

Hello friends, 
The post cards today are (top) how I will feel on the beach
(bottom) how I will actually look hehe

Well it is trip week! YiPeE 
I am not ready for it, you see i'm a control freak.
I like to plan to be spontaneous and know what is happening when.
I by my self can go with the flow not worrying about what will happen next.
But when you have children and a spouse that hate surprises you become a planner for their sake
So this trip is a leap of faith, like when Indiana Jones had to step into that deep chasm and have faith something would catch him.
Tonight we have a party to celebrate our trip at pizza ranch, so I am hoping there is some revealing of details
at this point I don't know much.
For several weeks counselors and OT and others having been trying to prepare Chrissy for the flight and the surprises and she of course thinks she loves surprises but I think she loves to be surprised not what the surprise entails. I know my hubby is nervous and I know I am terrified. But all I can do is take a deep breath and step into the unknown. It isn't like we haven't been through harder things but, this one is taxing just the same. What I need and want is a nice calm time to relax and have fun, not have to run our fool heads off to see everything. Just knowing together is enough and being away is the reason, not to have to see every show or every site. And THAT I can plan,  if momma is happy we all happy.
So my attitude will set the tone for the trip, I will step out calmly and peacefully, with love and faith, knowing that no matter what happens God is in control and HE will make a way and have a reason for every step we take.So today as I procrastinate some more about packing, I will pray and ask God to lead my steps and keep us safe and give all the plans and details to Him.

So my dear friends and faithful readers, step out in faith today and be blessed.

Always Suszi

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