Monday, April 22, 2013

Welcome back from the weekend. And Happy Earth Day,
So many things go thru my mind to write about today.
today my very wonderful friend Teresa F. is coming over to help me organize my craft room. That is a big ordeal to me, being crafty I am not organized and it doesn't come easy for me at all. And she is amazing at it, I am so blessed to have friends like her in my life who compensate for my weaknesses and it is a  blessing. My friend Amy watched the kids last night so we could go on a date. BLESSED!!!

Friends come and friends go, but a true friend sticks by you like family.
Proverbs 18:23-24 

My mom always told me growing up that if you have one true friend all your life you are truly blessed, well I must be blessed beyond measure, I have so many wonderful friends and some are family. Cousins make great friends cause no matter how mad you get with them you don't have a choice but to be around them. So they will always be there for you.

Well I had better keep this short and have more coffee before I have to get up and start
working. So today I encourage you to be the kind of friend you want to have. Call someone you haven't talked to in a while, or surprise someone at work with lunch, send flowers or a card for no reason other then to say "Hey I was thinking of you today". 

Be blessed today and love the Earth a little too.

Your friend Always

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