Monday, April 29, 2013

Oh Happy Monday friends.
Today i'm feeling very irreverent, which is a word that describes me quite often. A friend has an app on her phone that tells your mood by a scan of your the worries and emotions of the world are all centered in your thumb, but what do I know. I digress, when my husband does it, it always says calm, cool and relaxed, Me on the other hand, I get Irreverent, disgruntled or any myriad of related emotions from my thumb mind you. Although I strive to be happy and joyful what comes out often sounds irreverent. I admit it I do. I have to constantly watch what comes out of my mouth lest I offend someone. AND I DO!!! Not that I enjoy hurting those around me but sometimes it just slips and i can't help it. I more than anything want to bring a smile to someones face and often my irreverence does that. I love to make people smile, it is amazing how just a smile helps lighten the soul and makes the heart sing. It is the easiest way to show God's love. A witness without a word. So today as you go through your day give a smile away. Let someone know they are loved and you are glad they are living on this  beautiful spring day (finally) in Minnesota.
Bless you my friends

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