Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Hello friends,
I loved this postcard, but what if you send it late and it gets there on Wednesday? Does it have the same effect? I digress
Yesterday was the start of many doctor appointments with our Chrissy. The doctor found that her muscles are starting to atrophy like an elderly persons, we also found a lump on her leg when she walks, which we hope it like a small muscle hernia, but if it grows could be a type of lymphoma and will need to be removed. He also ordered a swallow study to make sure she is remembering how to swallow. We have just seen small things to suggest that is awry, but catching things early is the best. Also we started on a few vitamin supplements like fish oil because her memory is increasingly decreasing. She had an EKG and that looked good. She will also have an EEG in a few days to check for seizure activity. She was also updated on vaccines which she was not happy about.
The best news I found out though was that PT and OT can come to our house!!!! Those are very long appointments and very hard to fit in and give my family any time. So that was a great thing for me yesterday.
If you have not yet looked up the website for her disorder please do it is interesting.
So continue to pray for our family.
We are gearing up for our vacation we leave 2 weeks from tomorrow and the kids are so excited and can hardly stand it. 
Today I want to encourage you to step out of your situation and own problems and find someone who needs encouragement and a little love. Be God's arms today and hug a neck. 
Be blessed today and remember you are loved!!!

Monday, April 29, 2013

Oh Happy Monday friends.
Today i'm feeling very irreverent, which is a word that describes me quite often. A friend has an app on her phone that tells your mood by a scan of your thumb...like the worries and emotions of the world are all centered in your thumb, but what do I know. I digress, when my husband does it, it always says calm, cool and relaxed, Me on the other hand, I get Irreverent, disgruntled or any myriad of related emotions from my thumb mind you. Although I strive to be happy and joyful what comes out often sounds irreverent. I admit it I do. I have to constantly watch what comes out of my mouth lest I offend someone. AND I DO!!! Not that I enjoy hurting those around me but sometimes it just slips and i can't help it. I more than anything want to bring a smile to someones face and often my irreverence does that. I love to make people smile, it is amazing how just a smile helps lighten the soul and makes the heart sing. It is the easiest way to show God's love. A witness without a word. So today as you go through your day give a smile away. Let someone know they are loved and you are glad they are living on this  beautiful spring day (finally) in Minnesota.
Bless you my friends

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Good Morning fellow junk collectors,
Is it a compulsion or a hobby? Is it neurotic or perfectly sane?
Who knows but, what I do know is that I love junk!! I love digging through dumpsters and peoples discarded things. I think more than anything it is the thrill of the hunt. The other day it was cold and freezing rain and I was not looking forward to going to the chiropractor in that mess, but then my girlfriend called and said she found a pile of junk and I needed to hurry so I was out the door in 5 minutes on the hunt. (I did go to the chiropractor too) 
Part of our town is having their annual clean up days so they can put anything on the street, YIPEEE so we have been hunting for days i have gotten trellises for my yard and a door? Lots of small stuff for my fairy houses, and tons of stuff to good to pass up. So I had to go to the airport yesterday after a full day of junking and took my hubby's car and I get a call a few hours later asking why my van was full , oops he couldn't get 2 little children in my van. So what am I doing today? Not cleaning my van and garage NO WAY!! I'm going garage saleing with some of my dearest friends (you know who you are) (How is that Sharon?) I'm so excited, for the hunt. I love toys old toys and stuff for my fairy houses and on and on and on... so off we go on our adventure. Have a great day.
And find an adventure of your own today, or come find us driving about.
Be blessed today I sure am.

Friday, April 26, 2013

This is my Nana and Boppa. 
The first picture is them over 70 years ago and them in the same spot a few years ago.
I wish I could put into words what these two people mean to me.
Growing up I would hear my friends say "Oh man I have to go to my grandmas house, how boring" and my heart would ache. I have one picture of me with my elderly grandfather when I was 2 but I remember nothing about him. So essentially I grew up not having any grandparents. So when I met my husband and then went on to meet his family, to my great surprise  he still had both sets of grandparents and a great grandma. Over time his great grandma Nonie and his dad's parents Mike and Stella have passed on. Which brought me sadness, but joy that I got to experience them. That leaves me with Audrey and David Roe, these two people have since the moment I met them made me feel loved and accepted, just like I was one of their grandkids. I got my first granddaughter card from Nana and I cried cause I never thought that would be something I would ever receive. There was always this hole in my heart and it was grandparent shaped. Actually it was Nana and Boppa shaped. Boppa is a very influential man in politics and with the Unions he works with the Governor and does many great things for our state. But to me he is the man who is the best grandpa in the world. He is kind and generous and most of all loves his wife above all else. And Nana is amazing she has served her husband since the day they said I do, not because she had too, but because she loves him so much and their love is amazing. They go on weekly dates and he remembers to bring flowers and show his love. These 2 are inspiring to anyone's marriage loving and giving and caring. They are both in their late 80's and their health is not the best. So I treasure each and every second I get to spend with them. 
Thank you both for loving me.

Have a great day and call or hug your grandparents today.


Thursday, April 25, 2013

Welcome friends,
Today I wanna talk about friends. I have had so many in my life that have come and gone, some touch you once and others are there for the long haul. I want to be the kind of friend that is there no matter what. Someone to depend on and look to for encouragement. Of course some of my dearest friends are my cousins (they don't have a choice). Some friends drain your strength and mind...others help where you are weak. I am the worst at communicating that is why I love facebook and text messaging I am horrid at being the one to initiate a call. I understand my flaws and work hard to overcome them. I think one of the best things God has ever worked in my life is the helping me not to be offended by what people say or do. Although I often can be offensive (i'm working on it) It has been the most freeing thing in my life, of course I do when it comes to my kids, it brings out the mama bear in me. My son Ian was adopted at birth and he is part Hispanic, well some kids at school were making fun of him for it and he didn't know what that meant, so I told him it means he is beautiful and kind and they are jealous, he bought it , puffed out his chest and said ok. Another time a kids rode up to on his bike and said "Hey Mexican" I was flabbergasted he would do that in front of me, and as I was about to say something I noticed the kids had buck teeth and thick glasses and a lot of anger, so I decided I would let karma, take care of this one, i'm sure in high school Ian will be a charmer and that boys upbringing will show. This little boy has taken my heart in such a way I never dreamed, I love my children all the same but he has a way about him that makes you just wanna kiss him. We adopted Ian at birth and someday I will tell you that story of blessing, but for now he just turned 6 and is in Kindergarten. He is frustrating and wonderful all at the same time. But his smile will light up your heart and melts your anger away. He truly is as his name means "Gods gracious gift" . So today be the kind of friend you want to have, and love on someone today.

Have a great day.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Good Morning friends,
If you are a morning person, someone who rises with or before the sun, I do not understand?
I am not nor have I ever been a morning person, I enjoy the peace after my family is in bed at night, I think better, i'm more creative and more motivated. Mornings I don't do well!! So the past few days my son, (also a night owl) has been getting up about an hour earlier then normal. AHHHHH!!! I'm used to my daughter who is very much a morning person and forbidden from waking me unless she is hurt or the house is on fire. So needless to say my one cup of coffee is becoming more like 3. Now I don't mind not having to drag him out of bed  but I hardly notice since I'm being drug out. I digress.
Growing up we had one of those coffee pots that had 3 pots on it, a never ending cycle of coffee. Our house was always filled with coffee drinkers, and of course everyone drinks it differently. 
I am just a flavored creamer person, Bailey's creamer (YUMM) and coffee. My dad is a scoop of sugar and cream while my mom is black all the way to the bottom of the cup. My brother uses about half a pound of sugar, like 10 little packs for a cup. My daughter is a coffee snob, grinds fresh beans make a breve' or something of that sort. I have a Keurig machine pop in the pod and out comes the coffee, almost  all I can handle some mornings. 
But some mornings no amount of coffee can help. Our special needs daughter (the morning bird) is over the top goofy and no amount of meds for her or coffee for me help. Those days used to be rarer but as her condition worsens or progresses they are more frequent. Outbursts, crying, today hiding her head under a blanket, often screaming and kicking, much like a 2 year old. And I would love to say I'm patient and caring and sensitive to her at these times, but in reality i'm short and impatient and angry. Those aren't things you want to be with your children but thank God for Grace. On my computer as wall paper I have a quote that says...."Shame says that because I am flawed I am unacceptable, but Grace says though I am flawed I am cherished"  isn't God amazing? He knows who I am and how I am in situations and my short comings and flaws and he loves me regardless. One of my favorite sayings is "When I am down to nothing, God is up to something" and I say that a lot during these times with my daughter and life. Sometimes I question God because it is said He wont give you more then you can handle, and some days I feel like i'm stretched to my breaking point and nothing else can give. But there He is with His grace and love holding it all together. I can't imagine going through this life without God leading and guiding me, my biggest issue is to let HIM have control and relax knowing I don't have to handle it alone or by my self.
So today ask God how you can rely on Him more and let Him control your life, I guarantee it will go so much easier and be more fulfilling. 
Be blessed today

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

A post card on equality for cats and robots?
So I can understand the cat part but do they really wanna be equal? NO they think they rule the world already. So robots, oh he is cute mind you, but can he truly ever be equal? The soul of man cannot be put anywhere but where God puts it. But aren't our inner beings such an amazing thing to try to grasp?

I’ve kept my feet on the ground, I’ve cultivated a quiet heart. Like a baby content in its mother’s arms, my soul is a baby content.
Psalm 131:1-3

I loved this verse and it stirred me..how do we cultivate a quiet heart? contentment, forgiveness, peace, joy, love? something to ponder today as we go about our lives. do you have any thoughts?

Have a blessed day and lets strive today to find a quiet heart.


Monday, April 22, 2013

Welcome back from the weekend. And Happy Earth Day,
So many things go thru my mind to write about today.
today my very wonderful friend Teresa F. is coming over to help me organize my craft room. That is a big ordeal to me, being crafty I am not organized and it doesn't come easy for me at all. And she is amazing at it, I am so blessed to have friends like her in my life who compensate for my weaknesses and it is a  blessing. My friend Amy watched the kids last night so we could go on a date. BLESSED!!!

Friends come and friends go, but a true friend sticks by you like family.
Proverbs 18:23-24 

My mom always told me growing up that if you have one true friend all your life you are truly blessed, well I must be blessed beyond measure, I have so many wonderful friends and some are family. Cousins make great friends cause no matter how mad you get with them you don't have a choice but to be around them. So they will always be there for you.

Well I had better keep this short and have more coffee before I have to get up and start
working. So today I encourage you to be the kind of friend you want to have. Call someone you haven't talked to in a while, or surprise someone at work with lunch, send flowers or a card for no reason other then to say "Hey I was thinking of you today". 

Be blessed today and love the Earth a little too.

Your friend Always

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Howdy from my little part of the world.
Let's talk about relatives today!! I know touchy subject hehe mine are crazy!! All of my moms family are from Kentucky and my Aunt Pudge is here visiting my mom. We all got together to make supper last night and play cards and I did a little sewing, and as I sat and listened to the game I realized some of the strange things we say that would sound weird to others, like "Stop Hinkling" , "that widow killed me" and "Shoot the moon" (all card game references). My mom is the 11th of 13 children and and by the time they named her they had run out of names, so my mom was called Blue for several months until they figured out a name and it was then added to her birth certificate, but her nickname Blue is mostly all she is called. My Aunt Pudge is also called by her nickname her being the youngest of 13, her real name is Minnie Pearl, after my grandmas favorite singer. 
We had a delightful time with them and my niece Amanda and her family, laughing and telling stories and riddles, which Ii can't repeat here because they have a slight inappropriateness to them, which is often the case. But anytime we share these times no matter what we say or do one thing is always present and that is laughter. Joy abounds, not just hehe that was cute but those deep belly laughs that bring tears to your eyes, it is amazing the awesome power these moments hold. Laughter heals and uplifts the spirit and calms nerves and I know it does medical type stuff to your body such as releasing something or another, but I digress. My mom suffers from a chronic condition C.O.P.D. Chronic Obstructed Pulmonary Disease which is asthma, emphysema  and chronic bronchitis all rolled into one, and she had been really down lately from fighting it and being in the hospital. So by the end of  the evening last night she looked tired but stronger and relaxed. It was so nice to see her and her sister together laughing and sharing their childhood stories and passing that great wisdom on to another generation. Someday I will share these stories with you but until then, smile today, tell a joke or sing a song in public and make someone else smile, it is good for you.

Have a blessed day


Friday, April 19, 2013

I found 2 postcards for today's post they were both so appropriate for how I am feeling today. I have this friend who I have known my whole life she is amazing, she has overcome so much to become an amazing inspiring and talented woman. Her name is Patty Rose. 
A few years ago I saw her and she had started making fairy dolls for people, and made me one for my wedding, I was so excited because sculpture is my favorite art form and she made it look so amazing it inspired me to start playing with polymer clay. I have over the years had a few successes with mine but nothing like hers WOW she is now an institution has fans and minions and admirers worldwide. 
We have stayed in touch over the years somewhat sporadically, so when I found out we were going to Florida on our MAW trip I was excited cause she lives near there, so I called and to my dismay she had moved to Texas, BUT we chatted and laughed and reminisced  and it so made me so happy to hear her voice. So this is where the surprise comes in, she asked if I was working with clay and I said yes, but I don't use any of her products (molds) because I couldn't find them except online, so she said to pick one out and she would send me one, YIPEEE so I checked them out and couldn't decide so I told her to send me one she chose for me. That was last week, so imagine my surprise to receive a package from her yesterday so soon, and inside she had sent me 3 molds and a video instruction guide. I was so blessed beyond words, she has definitely inspired me to create and to also bless others. 
Please check out her web page at http://www.patriciarosestudio.com/  and see her amazing work.
I hope you all are inspired today to spread kindness and joy, buy lunch in the drive thru for someone or leave a bigger tip or send a note to a friend.
Be blessed this snowy Spring day in Minnesota.


Thursday, April 18, 2013

Good Morning, Is our house ever clean? No I would like to say that I like my name suggests "Susie home maker" first of all my name isn't spelled that way and when I wake up my first thoughts are coffee..then what can I create today? Yesterday I made 3 marble mazes out of felt and 2 travel journals and I actually sewed them not hot glue, which for me is amazing and frustrating, but they turned out sooooo cute and the kids love them. I'll post pictures tomorrow or soon. My preparation for our trip to Florida continues, I think it is more for my own sanity then for the family but taking an autistic child and a very active 6 yr old to a hyper-intense place is worrying me for some strange reason. I made their Journals so there is a spot for every stop on the way to gather the items that are on their scavenger hunt i'm making ie. postcards, brochures, sand etc. and should keep things all organized so upon our return it should go easily into their scrapbooks. OK so that is the plan, but often things don't work as planned around here. I am making an attempt but, my grand ideas of going completely organized and having my house clean to come back to may just be that very grand, in reality it may be more like an episode of The Middle where their family goes on a trip to return home to their house surrounded by police, the neighbor who was getting the mail looked in the window and thought their house had been ransacked and robbed. BUT in reality it was just a disaster from getting ready for their trip and being to embarrassed to fess up they played along. Although that is a show it seems a little close to home for me. It isn't like I hate house work, it is just that it isn't my first thought or something I plan each day. I strive to change this and pray a ton about it, but their is something about being artistic that uses a different part of your brain or something, I know it would honor my husband so much, but it doesn't make it easier. We are starting to Spring clean and of course that makes it worse, and the fact that I cannot pass a garage sale or dumpster or junk pile with out finding something "I  gotta have" my garage isn't able to be parked in much less walked through, and my house has many areas that are needing attention. My craft area is the hardest and so my amazing friend Theresa F is going to come once again help me sort and organize, she is my hero. So I am still holding to the dream of a perfect bon voyage with a perfect house intact. And as I strive to become a super organizer, my hope is that you can know your not the only one with piles you have to scoot around. Have a great day my friends.

Suszi (this is the proper way to spell my name)

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Today as I watch a toddler show with my 14 year old (almost 15) I realize how different she is.
We were given custody of Christine 4 1/2 years ago, but it seems like a lifetime...we knew there were issues when we got her, but never did we understand what path our lives would take. She had a diagnoses of ADD but I never believed that, so we fought and we researched and read and asked and begged for doctors to take another look and finally we ended up with a Genetisis in Mayo Rochester.
In October 2012 she was diagnosed with Microduplication 15q, (Chromosome 15q Duplication Syndrome (Dup15q) is a clinically identifiable syndrome which results from duplications of chromosome 15q11-13.1 These duplications most commonly occur in one of two forms. These include an extra isodicentric 15 chromosome, abbreviated idic15, or an interstitial duplication 15. When the extra genetic material comes from the paternal chromosome a child may have normal development. However, when the duplicated material comes from the maternal chromosome, developmental problems are often the result.) For more info go to http://www.idic15.org/Chromosome-15-duplications.html. So once again challenges abound and we are now at a point where she is no longer going to a regular school, because it is to stressful on all involved. And as we prepare for the future the best we can, we find joy in the little things everyday and don't take a moment for granted, our next adventure we have begun is a trip to Florida with "Make a Wish" and we will be swimming with dolphins and a whole lot of other things. We are all excited but I worry about details which we don't know because they love surprises at MAW. So i prepare the best we can with lots of great crafts and ideas for the trip. I have made games and i'm working on making travel journals for both kids and gifts for the  passengers on the plane who are so lucky to get to sit by us. So soon I will post a complete photo journal of all the things i'm working on.
and once again our lives move along the journey...

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Welcome to my world. My hope is to encourage you through the many things I face and struggle and delight in daily. Not that my life is spectacular or different other then my greatest wish is that you find hope and joy with me. Creating this is like a glimpse into my journal and heart, you will hear stories, and medical news, antidotes and photos from my life. This journey I am on started the day God gave me life and although, I had many great plans and desires and dreams, God somehow showed me a different path, and although it is a much harder path, it is one I wouldn't trade for anything. I in no way have a bad life, just the struggles I face some days are challenging to say the least. I don't want your pity or your sympathy my heart is to encourage and uplift you.

Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don’t try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way.
James 1:1-3 The Message

I know this Journey will never end, and my hope is that you read my postcards and be given encouragement for your own journey.