Good Morning Friends
As i start this day, I was reminded to think on good and pure things from my Pastor David Coffee, in his Daily Inspirations series.
I also woke up with the song FILL ME UP LORD
In this song it says "You provide the fire, ill provide the sacrifice"
A sacrifice is painful and hard.
Websters Definition is this
Definition of sacrifice
1: an act of offering to a deity something precious; especially : the killing of a victim on an altar
2: something offered in sacrifice
3 a : destruction or surrender of something for the sake of something else
b : something given up or lost the sacrifices made by parents
4: loss goods sold at a sacrifice
None of these definitions sounds fun or easy. Yet God was willing to sacrifice His only son ?
I have one son and waited 17 years for him. We adopted him 17 years after we had our only biological Daughter. I had prayed daily for another child. So the idea of sacrificing him is to much for my mind to comprehend.
Yet if God called and asked "Come" just as he did the disciples and they laid down their nets and followed. But they didn't know what they were following even, they didn't know Jesus or anything about him. He was a random person on the beach who said "COME", and they did.
So knowing what we know, loving Jesus as we do, worshiping Him, serving Him? Could we still make that sacrifice? What if it meant the eternal life of someone else?
My Mom used to say that if she was put on this earth to help save just one person it would be worth it. Yet i saw her lead many to Christ so hers was a life of purpose.
I have never in my life known my purpose so clearly as I do now.
I have never wanted to walk with God stronger then I do now.
Maybe more sacrifice is needed by me?
So what more GOD?
Here is my life....SEND ME!!!
Have a Blessed day
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