Thursday, June 13, 2013

The Matrix - the reality that is family

Good morning friends,
I don't feel much like inspiring and encouraging today sorry.
Do or have you ever gone along and all of a sudden get 
hit on all sides and have the wind knocked out of you, by
those who are supposed to love and care for you?
People who you would do nothing to hurt, only having the best interest 
of those you love in mind, only to find out everyone else thinks
the total opposite of you?
It is like waking up in the Matrix, (I still don't understand that movie) in a world
that you didn't know existed. 
I don't want to or don't even know how to put into words what happened, 
so I will stick to how it effected me.
I realize I could have acted better and handled it with love and kindness, but I felt like a cornered 
mama bear, or an animal in the sights of a gun with no where to run.
Suddenly you are thrust into the twilight zone.
So I am still reeling and getting my mind in order today, so please just keep me and my family 
in your prayers.
Remember to encourage those who are closest to you, most of the time we forget
them and those are the ones who will hurt you the quickest, and the deepest.
I have a thick skin for the world, but I found out that doesn't apply to my family.

Have a blessed day

Always Suszi

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