Good Morning Friends,
So a new year has begun and life just goes right along with it.
It is funny looking back at the last 3 years in my life and seeing what I thought I simply could not handle and seeing now how very much I did handle. God has stretched, pulled, wrung out and squeezed and pushed me to what I thought were my very limits only to show me I had no limits in Him.
We get so comfortable in our little lives and hope for the best, or just trudge along hoping for sunny skies. Wanting more, money, health, peace. Which feel unattainable until we realize, all things are attainable and reachable, we just have to reach and stretch to reach them. A child or me will want a cookie on the top shelf and do everything they can to get it until they succeed. But if it is something we want but aren't willing to get uncomfortable for, we want it handed to us, there is no struggle to get it, we don't appreciate it as much. The peace I have today, the hope I have today, the strength I have today is earned. God can give you peace by asking, but working to get it will make it life changing peace, peace that doesn't leave you. You wear it like a birthday pin. Proud and sharable. Not that I would encourage anyone to endure the pain I have felt, but I also DO encourage you to look past the present situation and pursue peace in Him alone. I don't make New Years resolutions, but this year I did want to change life. I wanted that joy and peace and happiness. I proclaimed it would be different, not a resolution which I believe has a hidden meaning: To want badly, but to know it will only last 2 weeks. I want a life changing peace. not a temporary fix. I want to be used by God.
I want to spread hope. I want to share my journey.
If you had those things and have lost them, you may have been holding them loosely and forgotten to be diligent in pursuing them. I grow frustrated in my daily life and wonder where my joy is. Where my peace has gone? Well it is there but I kinda drug it on the ground and it got full or dirt and dust. So I need to learn to take care of those things, don't let them grow mediocre and mundane, but also don't put them on a shelf and just use them for special occasions either. We have to learn to wear them like a favorite sweater, you just grab it and wear it without thinking, it is comfortable and broke in. You don't worry how you look in it because it is almost part of you. You need to feel so comfortable with the things of God you wear them well and with confidence.
I have to be diligent, always aware of my mouth and my surroundings, Sometimes I open it and the dumbest things come out, but training it to wear the things of God also, will only work in my favor.
Like now this moment, my son had an appointment I once again messed up the time on. He has been out 3 days from school with a temp. and they cannot go for 24 hours of the last high temp. I was picking up my computer and the screen cracked AGAIN. for the 3rd time in 2 months. I have a head ache and a meeting to get ready for. Breathe....Breathe....let it go. somethings are not worth the stress
Suddenly my Josh Groban CD mysteriously started in the kitchen singing "Surrender" God is so funny sometimes. Well I better get ready, and sign off.
Have a blessed day.